Author Archives: Paddy Lavery

How does Progenesis LC-MS quantify protein abundance?

For most researchers the goal of an LC-MS proteomics experiment is a list of proteins showing significant expression differences. In most cases what you actually measure, whether you use a labelled or label-free approach, are signals from peptide ions for the protein of interest. The challenge is how to recombine all these individual peptide ion measurements […]

2D gel analysis can help in production of biologics

In my last post, I shared how Progenesis SameSpots can compare proteins detected on Coomassie stained 2D gels and Western Blots. But comparing secondary stained images with 2D gels has applications beyond characterising proteins of interest in differential expression analysis. For example, 2D gel electrophoresis can be used at several stages of recombinant protein production: […]

Analyse Western Blot and 2D gel images with Progenesis SameSpots

Did you know Progenesis SameSpots can be used to characterise proteins as well as measure differential expression analysis on your 2D gels? Many customers use Progenesis SameSpots to quantify protein expression changes, but identifying and validating the discoveries you make is often a requirement of further research funding or publishing data. We’ve written an application […]

How to get the most from your low resolution mass spec

Ultimate 3000 (Dionex) coupled to an HCT-Ultra Ion Trap MS (Bruker) in use by Andrew Porter at Northumbria University It’s now a year and a half since I introduced Andrew Porter and his PhD project that we are sponsoring at Northumbria University. Looking back, one of the biggest challenges we faced at the start was […]

How do you generate reliable proteomics results where genomic data is limited?

I met Michelle Cilia, Kevin Howe and  Ted Thannhauser in Salt Lake City during ASMS last year and heard how they use Progenesis SameSpots to support proteomics research at the USDA-ARS. I learnt what they do to run well designed experiments then apply tags and correlation analysis to generate reliable results.  I’ll cover that in […]

Rising rate of publications using 2D and SameSpots

One theme that transcends scientific research, whether you’re trying to make a difference by doing research in the lab or supplying tools to help do that better/faster/smarter, is the positive impact from peer-reviewed publications citing your work. So each month I look at publications citing our Progenesis products and generate an up-to-date list of publications […]

Establish and maintain 2D gel quality within your lab

Since the release of Progenesis SameSpots v4.1 including the SpotCheck workflow, we’ve generated more information to show how you can apply it to gain confidence in running 2D gels for proteomics. If you’re not familiar with Progenesis SpotCheck already, there is a short video introducing what it is and how it works, using a story […]

Posters at HUPO 2010

Messages have been relayed from the other side of the world giving us highlights from the ground at HUPO 2010 in Sydney. Wednesday was set to be a good day for us as we had posters presented showing applications of both Progenesis SameSpots and Progenesis MALDI. The first was a collaboration with Bio-Rad, presented by […]

First report from HUPO 2010

This week, some of our guys — Mark Bennett, Paul Goulding and Andy Borthwick — are attending HUPO 2010 in Sydney. According to Mark, initial impressions are that there are fewer exhibitors at this year’s conference than in the past. If that’s true, it should be less of a rush to get around the stands […]

Label-free quantification of membrane proteins

Measuring expression changes of membrane proteins can be a challenge but they are the source of important molecular processes in disease progression. The group of Marius Ueffing (Department of Protein Science, Helmholtz Zentrum München) have shown that, with the right approach and our quantify then identify workflow, you can generate highly-sensitive, reproducible label-free quantification of […]